The first trailer of Arjun Kapoor's 'Tevar' has been released and it will be a delight to the fans. Tevar which is the remake of Telugu film 'Okkadu' also features Sonakshi Sinha and Manoj Bhajpai in other prominent roles.
Arjun is back with his old rugged and rough look which will definitely appeal to the masses. His introduction as an interesting background score which says, “Main Superman, Salman ka fan.” Arjun is also seen performing some heavy action sequences, seems to have worked hard for them.
Sonakshi is seen like a girl next door but has not much presence with Arjun in the trailer. The movie is directed by Amit and Arjun's father Boney Kapoor produced it. Tevar will be lighting the screens on January , 2015.
(AW: Vamshi)