Bollywood Hunk Salman Khan has special gratitude for Tollywood and our films. In the past he remade many films in Bollywood and the most recent was Jai Ho which is Stalin. Salman Khan tried to do a direct Bollywood film with Telugu writers however they did not materialize due to unknown reasons. Last year writer Kona Venkat claimed to have narrated a script to Salman and even gave signals that the project would start soon. But later no news about this combination reached the headlines again.
Now rumors are floating widely that Salman Khan gave nod to a script narrated by none other than Vijayendra Prasad who is father of Tollywood ace director SS Rajamouli. It is said that Vijayaendra Prasad narrated an out and out mass masala subject to Sallu Bhai which he immensely liked and has offered him to direct the movie.
Vijayendra Prasad earlier directed Rajanna movie with Nagarjuna which was critically lauded by the critics. Let us wait and see whether we can witness a collaboration of Salman and Vijayendra Prasad or not.
(AW: Vamshi)