Happy New Year 2013.............Voorspoedige Nuwe Jaar....Kul 'am wa antum bikhair
Back again with the first issue of Morning Wishesh while wishing you a Happy New Year in Afrikaans and Arabic. 2013 opens with aspirations and inspirations for the entire world. May this year bring good to all. We hope that 2013 brings in a sea of changes from the government and from the public as well and we see a better place for the women in our culture rich country.
Tinsel World hot Wishesh: Noted filmmaker cum choreographer cum actor Prabhu Deva blames self for parting ways with gorgeous actress Nayantara and regrets too. Is he trying to patch up with the starlet again. Well the Bollywood director had an illustrious affair with the starlet for quiet sometime where they painted the town in red. All of sudden one fine morning parted ways and he was seen holidaying with his wife Ramalath. But now he grieves that his ties with her also are not that very good. Oh my dear Prabhu, if two girls are distancing from you then something is really wrong yaar...introspect for a better future...(winks).
Day's important Wishesh: After the advent of the android mobiles and tabs, the flip one looks obsolete. However till sometime earlier flip phones were supposed to be elegant possessions. OMG! Worried why I am talking about all this well on this day in 1996 the first flip phone went on sale introduced by Motorola StarTAC. The most popular flip mob, rated as the sixth best since fifty years in the 2005 PC quest mag, sold 60 million StarTACs.
Tirupati Wishesh: Devotees influx drops, in the early hours of the day only 7 compartments were filled. The Lord's darshan in the temple would now take 4 hours for the general public and 2 hours for the special darshan. Nearly 47,458 pilgrims visited the temple on Wednesday. TTD had taken decision to allow only 15,000 devotees who trek the seven hills for darshan. Earlier it was unlimited but on a trail basis the announced plan would be taken up for the next ten days on a pilot basis.
History Wishesh: Egypt's worst air tragedy occurred on this day claiming 148 lives, in 2004. Flash Airlines Flight 604 crashes into the Red Sea. The Boeing 737-300 took off from Sharm el- Sheikh Int'l airport in Egypt to Charles De Gaulle Int'l Airport in France. The disaster occurred after it took off from Cairo.
National Wishesh: Churachandpur in Manipur experienced mild tremors in the early hours of the day. It was noted that tremors measuring 4.2 on the Richter scale were witnessed at the village at around 3.36 am. Neither damages nor causalities were reported from the incident.
International Wishesh: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been discharged from hospital late Wednesday night, in New York. Ms Clinton was diagonalized with a blood clot, related to an earlier concussion. She was treated with anti-coagulants at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. She had a stomach infection earlier this month. Conditions is stable claim medical experts and she is ready to resume work as well.
Sports Wishesh: India meets Pakistan in Eden Gardens, Kolkata in the second ODI of a three match series. In the first match played at Chennai, Pakistan outsmarts India. The home team is ll set to avenge the defeat and make the third match look tougher. However Pakistan would like to win the match and win the series at Kolkata. Witty tussle on the hands...keep watching our sports column for more news on sports.
Wishesh Thought: better try before declaring the task as impossible as literates claim that 'Impossible is nothing but I'm possible'. As Wishesh always reminds you that it is better to have tried and lost then never tried at all. The most sincere trial would definitely boost up the moral of the doer and would give new enthusiasm to do better the next time. (Wishesh AarKay)