Laptop major Lenovo, which has entered into the Indian smart phone market recently, has launched its five mobile variants in Hyderabad on Friday. These mobile phones run on Android operating system and the prices ranges between Rs.6,500 and Rs. 29,000. The company officials have said that there would are much more features on this phone, which would make the users awestruck. It is known that Lenovo recently introduced these phones to Mumbaikars. As per the reports, people were fascinated with these new phones.
Moreover, to anyone who has been obsessed with Lenovo brand and also look forward to purchase a smart phone without shelling out much, the basic model of Lenovo would be ideal to him. Tech experts are of the opinion that Samsung is ruling the Indian smart phone and tablet market and therefore it might not just be a cakewalk for Lenovo to make masses shift their focus from Samsung to this brand. Anyway, lets wait and watch whether Lenovo can be successful in establishing its name in Indian smart phone market.
(AW Phani)