City Scientist has been honoured by the Royal Entomological Society joining the ranks of eminent scientists like Charles Darwin. Professor U S N Murthy, of Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad has been honoured as the ‘Fellow of Royal Entomological Society (FRES), London, on June 6.
Press Statement from the IICT:
`IICT Chief Scientist and Head, Biology Division Prof U S N Murthy has been elected as ‘Fellow of Royal Entomological Society (FRES), London, on June 6. The Fellows were nominated and selected for their significant contribution towards entomology, thus joining the ranks of such eminent scientist as Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallance, a release from IICT said here today. The Royal Entomological Society plays a National and International role in disseminating information about entomology and its allied subjects.
In addition to FRES honor, Prof Murthy has been elected as a Fellow National Academy of Biological Sciences (FNABS), Fellow Applied Biotechnology & Pharmacy (FABAP), Fellow Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Sciences (APAS) and member National Academy of Sciences (MNASc). He has also received the prestigious ‘eNortheast Award-2011′ for the commendable work and scaling up in Arunachal Pradesh for the Project entitled ‘Database Management System and Geographical Information System for Management of Malaria in Arunachal Pradesh.’
Hyderabad with all its mystique is also having another feather in its cap with the nomination, and now we can boast of a local Darwin amidst us. Andhra Wishesh Congratulates the Professor on his achivements that are unparallel. (With inputs from internet-AarKay)