Prestigious moments for the Hyderabad Law student, Suhasini Sen. Suhasini has been awarded the Gates Cambridge Scholarship for 2012. Amidst stiff competition the Nalsar University of Law student won the acclaimed Scholarship. Nearly fifty prolific individuals from 23 countries were selected along with our Hyderabad girl. In fact she achieved another rare distinction of being the only one law student among the three Indians selected. Suhasini proposes to pursue her Masters in Law with special focus on issues and tensions between public security and personal liberties.
Listen what the young achiever has to say:
The application for a Gates Scholarship is part of the regular application form to Cambridge University. So I found out about the Trust when I began preparing my application for my LL.M. To apply for the scholarship you need to complete your regular application to Cambridge University and along with it answer a separate essay for the Gates Trust on why you believe that you should be granted a Gates Scholarship. When I applied I tried to stay to true to what I had been taught over the last three years and hoped for the best at the interview.
What she feels aspirants must do:
The best thing to do is to be very clear in your head about what you want to do in law and why you want to do it. The rest just falls into place if your goals are clear.
The above two points are from an email interview given by the young prodigy to a media source, quoted here for reader enrichment.
The fifty educated elite hail from various countries and have been chosen on the basis of their intellectual ability, leadership capacity, academic profile and commitment to improving the lives of others. Seven of them are from Canada, six from Australia, five from Germany, four from the United States of America, three each from India, Romania and Ireland, and two each are from Kenya, Ghana and China. (With Inputs from Internet- Aarkay)