(Image source from: Twitter.com/JanaSenaParty)
Pawan Kalyan’s Porata Yatra From May 20th:- Janasena Chief Pawan Kalyan has been in plans to tour across Andhra Pradesh after he announced that his party would contest in all the 175 constituencies of the state. The actor recently paid his visit to Lord Venkateswara in Tirupathi before kick-starting his tour across the state. Today, Janasena announced that Pawan Kalyan will be touring across AP from May 20th and will start his tour from Srikakulam district. Right from the tip of Ichapuram, Pawan Kalyan will kick-start his tour.
(Image Source: Twitter.com/JanaSenaParty)
(Image Source: Twitter.com/JanaSenaParty)
It has been revealed that the first phase of the tour will take place across Utharandhra region for over 45 days. Pawan Kalyan interacted with various leaders of the party who came from Vizag, Srikakulam and Vijayanagaram regions. Pawan Kalyan even clarified that he would interact with the people in each and every constituency and allotted two days per constituency. He said that he would find the problems of the people and will find the best possible solutions. Pawan Kalyan reminded about his works and the solutions he provided in the past. Janansena leaders and followers are quite excited after the big announcement has been out.
(Video Source: NTV Telugu)