Powerstar Pawan Kalyan started Janasena and he has been questioning BJP and other political parties without staying merely active in politics. He has been analysing the political situations in the country and he has been interacting with people through massive political meets conducted recently. After almost a month, the actor turned active on twitter and he started questioning the leading BJP which he supported during the last Assembly and Parliament elections. He has been attacking the government regarding the special status of Andhra Pradesh.
Pawan said “After a decade of humilation and insult, Andhras have been thrown out without a capital and they are left with huge revenue deficit. A special package has been promised but it has been an eye wash. In BJP’s Special Package, there is nothing special except the word ‘Special’. Around 400 people lost their lives and BJP is still treating Andhras spineless. We are not going to leave BJP unanswered and we soon need an explanation on this”.
Pawan Kalyan Attacks BJP on Twitter