There has been a good inflow into Singur, Manjira and Osmansagar due to heavy rainfall from past many days. Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWS&SB) has not restored water supply, claiming there is no demand from consumers. Instead, officials are planning to store water for coming summer.
Water level at Singur, Manjira and Osmansagar has been steadily increasing for the past few days due to heavy rains in the catchment areas. However, the core city continues to get water on alternate days, while peripheral municipal circles get supply once in four/five days.
In just four days (September 16-19), heavy inflows were recorded at Singur/Manjira, Osmansagar, and Himayatsagar, due to heavy rain in the upstream areas.
Until September 13, the water level at Singur was 1,694 feet (nearly six TMC). On Monday, the level touched 1708 feet (17.23 TMC), while its full tank level is 1717 feet.
"The quantity is enough to restore 120 million gallons of water per day (MGD) to Greater Hyderabad and keep the supplies going for at least five to six months. We are planning to store the water and supply it next summer to overcome water problem," a senior HMWS&SB told.
"As the MET department predicts more rain in the next few days, we will wait and watch. A decision on restoring water supply from Manjira will be taken after Singur gets 25 TMC," he said.
On the other hand, good inflows were recorded at Osmansagar, with the water level rising by six feet, which is equal to 10 MGD, in the last few days.
"We can supply Osmansagar water to the Old City and certain areas in the city for at least five months. At Osmansagar, the water level was 1,767 feet (FTL: 1790 feet), while it was at 1,759 feet last year the same day," said Osmansagar in-charge and HMWS&SB deputy general manager Ramakrishna. If water levels improve, the water board would restore the supply of 15 MGD water from Osmansagar to the city.
"In case, if there are no fresh inflows, we will utilize this water in summer," he added.
Inflow into Himayatsagar reservoir is meager as just two feet increase has been recorded. On Monday, the water level at Himayatsagar was 1,732 feet (FTL: 1763 ft), while it was 1,741 feet last year the same day.
"The water stored can keep the supplies going for a month," an official said.
Also Read: Hussain Sagar Level Crossed Dangger Level