Hyderabad police arrested two students, who were found cheating in the intermediate exams.
Sheikh Aijaz was attending for his intermediate exams in his allotted centre, while his accomplice Samiullah, a B Tech 2nd year student, helped Aijaz with the answers, using a cell phone.
This went on for a few exams in the past, but the fate showed a different route one day, making him attend late to the exam. It was then officials caught him, with a cell phone.
After getting the ordered equipment from online, a microchip was pasted on to Aijaz’s t-shirt and fitted a cell phone in his underwear. Just before entering the examination hall, Aijaz used to switch on the phone and then speak out the questions with his blue tooth enabled earpiece.
Also read: Stripped to underwear to write Bihar exam
Hearing those, Samiullah, waiting outside, used to answer all the questions.
For the papers held on March 9th and March 10th, the duo introduced the cheating technique successfully.
But on March 12th, upon his delay to the exam centre, the officials had to check him thoroughly and upon finding the equipment, police took handover of it and upon investigating further, the cheating process, Aijaz performed for the past exams was revealed.
Speaking on the issue, Panjagutta ACP Venkateswar Rao said, gaining the experience of working in the cell phones shop, Aijaz, 19, got familiar with the hardware technology. Using those skills, he managed to give two exams already, but could not do it for the3rd one.
By Phani Ch