AICC Spokesperson Madhu Yaskhi Goud said that, MP Kavitha and Telangana Jagruthi’s financial assistance to the farmer families, is indirectly accepting Telangana Chief Minister KCR’s failure, in helping the distressed farmers.
Andhrawishesh already reported that, Telangana Jagruthi and MP Kavitha is extending the financial assistance to the farmer families, who committed suicides. She adopted 389 farmer families and announced Rs. 2500 every month, up to four years, for every farmer family.
Now this issue was raised by Madhu Yaskhi stating that, Kavitha said that they procured Rs. 1 crore to distribute to the farmer families. But that amount would be sufficient for one year only and questioned that, what she would do in the further three years.
He said that, the Telangana government completely failed in helping the farmers in distress and their families and asked the Telangana JACs, who played prominent role in the formation of Telangana, to respond on the government failures.
Wrong policies made Telangana state bankrupt- Madhu Yaskhi
Though the Telangana state is rich in the beginning, the wrong policies of the TRS government have turned the state into a bankrupt. So it has no money to help the farmers. Now Kavitha indirectly declared that, KCR’s government failed to rescue the farmers, by providing the financial assistance from Telangana Jagruthi. He further demanded to make Telangana Jagruthi’s balance sheet public.
Not stopping with KCR, Yaskhi even commented on Harish Rao and KTR too, and said that they are a part of the government’s failure in the state. He alleged that tenders were being called only to collect the commission.
Andhra contractors are continuously meeting Chief Minister KCR. The state government has released Rs. 2,714 crore towards advance for various projects and from that, except KCR and his family members, none are benefitted.
By Phani Ch