Britain will vote to leave the European Union without major reforms to its membership, Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond. The Foreign Secretary said to the EU leaders to stop “obsessing” about the principle of “every closer union”. “The Prime Minister’s made clear that some of the demands that we are making will require treaty change to make them irreversible and substantive and make them proof against challenge in the European courts. Many other parts of the agenda will not require treaty change, but some of them will,” he said.
Mr Hammond said in another occasion, “We expect our European Union partners to engage with us in delivering a package that will enable the British people to decide that they think Britain’s future is best delivered inside the European Union.” “Stop obsessing about institutional structures and ideas like ever closer union which, frankly, look like yesterday’s agenda in an increasingly competitive global economy where Europe has to fight to protect the standards of living of our people,” he said.
There are plenty of scare stories out there about what might happen to the U.K. economy if the country votes to leave the European Union in the upcoming referendum, collapse in the trade, millions out of work, Sterling tumbling and the government running to IMF to ask for an emergency bailout.
The re-elected David Cameron government has promised to hold an in-out referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union (EU), a five-year freeze on income-tax, VAT and national insurance payments and the right-to-buy for tenants of housing associations.
The people of United Kingdom will be asked to vote "yes" if they want to stay in the European Union when a referendum is held in the next two years, the government said. The question which will be asked on the ballot paper will be, "Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union?"
"That Cameron is opting to give the pro-EU side the positive 'Yes' suggests strongly that his negotiations are so much fudge," Nigel Farage, the leader of the anti-EU UK Independence Part. "He has already decided which way he wants the answer to be given, without a single power repatriated."
By Premji