Former Gujarat chief secretary Achal Kumar Jyoti has been appointed as Election Commissioner, filling one of the two vacant positions in the commission. Shri Achal Kumar Jyoti is a retired Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer of the 1975 batch, he has also served as Kandla Port Trust chairman. The tenure of the 62-year-old officer will commence from the day he assumes his charge, the Law Ministry notification said. He will have a tenure of around three years, i.e. till attaining the age of 65.
After H S Brahma demitted the office of the CEC in April and Nasim Zaidi got elevated to the top post, two posts in the three-member Election Commission had become vacant. The government has further stated that it will soon appoint one more Election Commissioner to fill up the last vacancy.
The election commission is the authority to conduct elections in the country. The Indian election commission is known for its capability to conduct free and fair elections. All these years, elections are conducted in a fair manner and the voters has gained confidence and belief in the commission, which has prompted huge turnout for voting in the elections. Even in Jammu and Kashmir, where separatists and terrorists tried to sabotage the elections, huge number of voters exercised their franchise, which have upset the separatists and terrorists. The election was conducted peacefully if Jammu and Kashmir.
By Premji