Pawan kalyan declared that he is ready to fight against AP government if it impose Land Acquisition Act on the farmers who are not ready to give their lands
It is well known that Actor Pawan kalyan extended his support for BJP and TDP parties in the elections. After the elections, he was away from all the political activities and started concentrating on the films. Few oppositions who always wait for a chance like this immediately said that, Pawan was bribed to campaign in the elections by TDP officials. That is the reason for his silence now.
But later Pawan turned to a land pooling issue where he was called to support the farmers because few of the farmers rejected to give their land for land pooling as they are completely dependent on the concerned land since years. At that time Pawan was not able to deal it properly as government gave no clarity of how they are going to deal with those farmers who refused to give the land.
But now on Friday, Pawan kalyan tweeted saying he observed from the news that AP government is forcing the farmers under land acquisition act and also informed High court regarding this issue. If it is that case, he clarified that he is going to fight for the farmers and face any consequences in the future.
Now its a big deal for AP government to face Pawan kalyan for second time based on the land pooling issue. It is already known that Pawan once opposed TDP for this kind of trials on the farmers.