Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced Rs 1000 crores immediately for the relief works of the hudhud cyclone that washed away Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh. Modi reached Vizag this afternoon and visited the cyclone affected areas along with AP CM Chandrababu Naidu, Venkaiah Naidu, Ashok Gajapathi Raju and Governor Narasimhan.
PM Modi assured all the assistance from the Union government and added that the situations will reach normalcy soon. Modi also recollected the moment on making Visakha, a smart city in US but within days after it, the city was hit severely by nature. The PM also visited Vizag airport that reported a damage of Rs 500 crores and then reached to cyclone affected areas.
Modi preferred to go by road instead of the aerial survey and also interacted with the officials and asked about the relief operations. He also complimented the AP government and all the bodies that took precautions in avoiding any loss of life and so far about 22 were reportedly killed in the Hudhud cyclone.
However, Andhra Pradesh government was expecting a special package from the union government but Modi could not comment anything on this.
(AW: Vamshi)