Independence Day celebrations in the Country have hit the sky and most importantly all eyes were on Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who delivered his first ever speech on the Red Fort. Modi wore a cream short-sleeved kurta and a red safa or turban in this special occasion and hoisted the flag. His speech lasted more than a hour and unlike former PMs, Modi did not read out prepared texts or announced any new scheme for the people but focus was on the steps that can make India a powerful nation.
Modi began his speech by saying that he is the Pradhan Sevak [Prime Servant] not Pradhan Mantri [Prime Minister] and came to serve people not to rule. He broke the tradition by not using Bullet-Proof glass while delivering the Independence speech and his speech reached out not just his political rivals but also the investors. Modi welcomed the investors and said, “Come, make in India. Sell anywhere, but manufacture here. We have the skill and the talent.”
On increase crime against women in the country, Modi for the first time talked about this issue. “When we hear about these rapes, our heads hang in shame Those who commit rape are also someone's sons. You should stop them before they take the wrong path,” advised Modi.
Overall Modi's unscripted speech is one of the best heard from the mouth of a Prime Minister.