Telangana Rashtra Samithi chief K Chandrasekhar Rao has zeroed upon the date to take oath as chief minister of Telangana while Telugu Desam supremo Chandrababu Naidu is yet to take decision. KCR will be swearing on June 2nd at 12:55 Noon however the venue is yet to be confirmed.
TRS party is considering LB Stadium but keeping the weather in mind and not to cause any sort of bother to general public, TRS sources are also thinking about Raj Bhavan as alternative. KCR is in no mood to enter the Begumpet official CM camp office and instead he preferred Kundhanbhag ministers quarters. The going to be CM met Police Department, Roads and Buildings department officials regarding his selection of blocks needed for his camp office. The renovation works have started and are expected to get done in a week.
Chandrababu too busy in Delhi
On the other hand, TDP chief Chandrababu, the going to be chief minister of Andhra Pradesh is yet to decide the date for swearing ceremony. For the past 2-3 days, Babu was busy in New Delhi as he took part in the NDA meeting. Babu is lobbying for the central cabinet berths for the newly elected TDP MPs and so he is likely to stay in the national capital today also.
TDP insiders say that Babu will take oath after June 2nd and even he is reluctant to move into the Begumpet CM camp office. Sources added that Babu wants operate the camp office from Guntur or Vijayawada and he will take a final call when arrives to Hyderabad.
(AW: Vamshi)