Eversince Ponnala Lakshmaiah took charge as Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee [PCC] post, he has been actively meeting upset Congress leaders and pulling other party leaders into Congress. Ponnala was successful in handling Patancheruvu MLA Nadeshwar Goud who was expected to join the TRS party. Ponnala met Nadeshwar Goud and convinced him to stay in party and according Mr. Goud accepted to stay back.
Now Ponnala is focusing on his home district Warangal. Rumors are waving like anything about Konda couple and it is heard that they joining TRS party in couple of days. Again Ponnala intervened and met Konda Murali today morning and has held deliberations.
If Konda Murali changes his decision, then it would be a huge setback for TRS and gain for Congress. Ponnala seems to have made a list of upset leaders and each day he has been meeting someone or the other to make them continue in Congress.
A good strategy and the battle for elections will turn more interesting.
(AW: Vamshi)