Lok Sabha speaker Meira Kumar has called for an all party meeting on Tuesday to ensure the smooth functioning of the last session of the 15th Lok Sabha which will resume from Wednesday. And Telangana Rashtra Samithi chief K Chandrasekhar Rao will attend this meeting as the Telangana Bill being the hot topic of the Parliament sessions.
KCR met Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh earlier this morning and have submitted a written format of amendments to be made in Telangana bill. Speaking to the media KCR said, “I will attend the all party meeting organized by Speaker Meira Kumar”
Congress MPs have create ruckus in the last two sessions over the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh issue and opposition parties demanded the Congress to control their own men to have smooth flow of session which could get approval of 39 bill which are in pending. Most of the bills are related to corruption however Telangana bill occupied the top slot as issue is getting bigger and bigger each day.
(AW: Vamshi)