Union Minister for Rural Development Jairam Ramesh said Telangana Bill may get placed in February Parliament sessions and also other pending bills will be brought to the house in this sessions. He also mentioned special sessions will be organized if time won't be sufficient in a way Jairam supported Rahul Gandhi who has been keenly demanding for special sessions for pending bills.
Speaking to the media on Wednesday as the new Land Acquisition bill came-in effective Jairam said, “the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition Bill, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act have come into notify from yesterday replacing the 120 year old law.” When asked about Telangana Bill, he replied “currently the bill is in AP assembly, as President of India gave time till January 23rd, we will have to wait and then if any changes are to be made, the group of ministers will take a look at it before placing it in Parliament. Most probably T-Bill may be placed in February sessions.”
(AW: Vamshi Tunga)