The AP Women's Commission is revived by the Chief Minsiter Kiran Kumar Reddy. Tripurana Venkataratnam is appointed as the Chairperson of the commission. The following are appointed as the Members of the Commission- Paruchuri Jamuna, Sunita Krishnan, Malliswari, Kasturi and Firoz Begum.
The Government of Andhra Pradesh by the enactment in 1998 which was published in the Gazette No.11 dated 19th March 1998 enabled the State Government to constitute a Women’s Commission to conduct inquiries in the cases of unfair practices on women and matters connected or incidental to it. As per it, a Chairperson will head the Commission with six members.
The Women's Commision has the same powers as the Civil Court. As per the powers vested in the Commission, any proceeding before the Commission will be treated as a judicial proceeding within the meaning of secion 193 and 228 of Indian Penal Code. The Commission will be deemed as Court as per Sec.195 of IPC.