The accused in illegal assets case, Vijaysai Reddy is in Delhi to give an explanation to the Enforcement Directorate in connection with money laundering case. This is the third time Vijayasai giving explanation to the ED. The sources in Delhi said that Enforcement Directorate bench questioned Vijayasai on matters pertaining to finance in Jagati Publications, share value and premium. Vijayasai Reddy was said to have elucidated the bench over the same.
Vijayasai Reddy is the second accused in illegal assets case of Jaganmohan Reddy. He was the first person to be arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation when it started its probe into illegal assets case. He had been in and out on bail many a time and currently he's on bail. Recently, Enforcement Directorate too booked Jaganmohan Reddy and Vijayasai Reddy under money laundering act. Regarding the same, it had been seeking explanations from Vijaysai.
(AW Phani)