The Transport Minister Botsa Satyanarayana had a surprise visitor this morning at his residence. The Madiga Reservation Porata Samiti (MRPS) President Manda Krishna Madiga visited the PCC Chief and discussed over the various difficulties faced by the 'handicapped' across the state. He also urged the Minister to extend the travel benefits enjoyed by the urban handicapped people, to the rural less fortunate too. The MRPS leader also submitted a list of documents representing the requests of the various people.
MRPS Chief also informed the Minister the planned meet of the handicapped to be held on Tuesday, will be as per schedule, instead there would be a change in the venue. Instead of the older venue at Nizam Arts College, the new venue would be around Indira Park. The venue change was inevitable as the police objected for the venue change owing to security reasons.
MRPS would organize a massive march with the handicapped persons on the motto that handicapped must be able to walk to good governance. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)