MRPS founder-president Mandakrishna has said that all the ministers, who faced allegations in illegal assets case, should be sent to the jail, where Jagan stays. Addressing the media in Nizamabad, Mandakrishna said the government, which sent Jagan to jail was, however, safeguarding the minister. He questioned as to what kind of justice was this. He stressed that whoever might be the culprit, he/she has to be punished.
Mandakrishna has felt that ministers should first be suspended and later sent to jails. Further, Manda Krishna demanded the government to give reservations to SC, ST, BC and minorities in all areas. He has also declared that he would set up a political party on December 4. The name of his political party would be announced at a public meeting, which will be held at Nizam College grounds in Hyderabad. He extended his gratitude to TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu for his support on SC categorization.
(AW Phani)