The court in Anantapur has granted bail to three convicts, including Krishna, in the suitcase bomb case-that was aimed to eliminating TDP MLA late Paritala Ravi-were granted bail by a fast track court in Anantapur on Friday. It is known that the court has sentenced them to five years of imprisonment in attempt to murder case that took place in 2001. It may be noted that Paritala Ravi escaped from that blast but was killed in 2005 in his late forties. His death case is still a mystery.
After the court pronounced the quantum of punishment, the convicts were shifted to Kadapa jail. They have soon moved bail pleas in a fast track court. The court-which accepted the plea on Friday-has granted bail to them on the same day. Meanwhile, Krishna has challenged the sessions court verdict in the district court.
Meanwhile, Chandrababu Naidu has lashed out at Kadapa MP YS Jaganmohan Reddy alleging that he would have gone to jail had his name was not removed from the accused list. It may be noted that YSR created a ruckus in the assembly when YS Jagan’s name was mentioned as accused in suitcase bomb case and the name was eventually removed. Also, Krishna is close aide of Jagan and the latter even staged the dharna in from of police station for the release of the former when he was arrested for misdemeanor. (Phani)