Sending a strong message to his bête-noirs, Chief Minister Kirankumar reddy had reduced the importance of deputy chief minister Damodar Rajanarasimha and Medical Education and Health Minister DL Ravindra Reddy by taking away some of the portfolios handled by them.
In a major disappointment to Damodar Rajanarasimha, the agricultural portfolio, till now handled by him as additional charge, was allotted to Kanna Lakshminarayana.
The Housing portfolio, till now handled by Kanna Lakshminarayana, was transferred to the newly inducted minister Uttam Kumar Reddy.
The CM took away some of Ravindra Reddy’s portfolios and allotted them to the newly appointed minister Kondru Murali. Ravindra Reddy has been looking after Health, Medical education, 104 and 108 services. But now, he was now left with only Health Ministry. The other portfolios of medical education, 104 and 108 services were allotted to Kondru Murali.
The newly inducted third minister Prasada Rao has been given the textiles portfolio which is vacant after Sankara Rao was removed from the cabinet.
Rajanarasimha, who has now been left with only Higher Education and Technical Education portfolios, has also expected the Home Ministry to be allotted to him befitting his status of Deputy Chief Minister.
However, the Chief Minister, who has of late developed misunderstanding with his deputy, took away the agricultural portfolio from him instead of allotting some more important portfolios. Ravindra Reddy has also been very frequently criticizing the CM and earned his wrath. (JUBS)