The special CBI court of Nampally in Hyderabad adjourned to Dec 30 further hearing on the bail petitions of Mr Gali Janardhan Reddy and his brother-in-law Mr BV Srinivasa reddy, the main accused in the illegal mining case.
The court was originally scheduled to deliver its order today on the bail petitions but the counsel for the accused sought adjournment saying they would present fresh arguments on their bail applications. The court agreed for the request and posted further hearing to Friday.
The counsel for the accused hit upon the idea of submitting fresh arguments on the bail pleas as they were not sure of getting bail for their clients in the wake of the High Court’s cancellation of bail granted to another accused in the case, Mr Rajagopal.
Mr Rajagopal, former director of the mining department and accused number 3 in the illegal mining case, was granted bail by the special CBI court but the high court cancelled the bail following the CBI petition that challenged the lower court’s decision.
The counsel for Gali and his brother-in-law do not want repetition of the same in case of their clients and want to build up a fresh and solid case for granting bail to them. (JUBS)