CBI officials, probing the illegal mining case involving the former Karnataka minister Gali Janardhan reddy, are attracting more and more witnesses daily to prove the illegalities of the mafia don.
On Monday, representatives of the Lakshminarayana mining company engaged in mining work at Basavangudi near Bellary of Karnataka, met the CBI officials at its Koti office in Hyderabad and submitted two bag loads of documents that would expose the wrong doings of Gali Janardhan reddy and brothers.
Lakshminarayana mining company is also one of the victim-companies of the Gali brothers who forced them to surrender their mining rights in their favour.
OMC (Obulapuram Mining Company) had resorted to illegal mining in AP-Karnataka border and exported the iron ore to foreign countries in the name of OMC. The Gali brothers extracted iron ore in the mines owned by BMC, Black Gold Mines, YM, NMDC, MML, Lakshminarayana Mining Company, HMM, Tummati Mines, Vibhutigadda Mines and MBT Mines and showed the quantity as that of OMC in books. (JUB)