The special CBI team investigating the Obulapuram Mining Company involving mining baron Gali Janardhan Reddy’s irregularities is to issue fresh notice to Mr.Viplav son of senior Congress leader of Telangana K. Kesava Rao, today. Along with him Katasani Rambhupal Reddy is also to get a notice from the investigating department.
It may be noted as per the Y S R Congress leader Y Jagan Mohan Reddy that the lease of 64.20 acres to Rammohan Reddy was renewed vide GO no 236 on December 10, 1996 and again it was transferred to OMC on February 18, 2002 vide GO no. 80 during Mr Chandrababu Naidu’s regime (Naidu’s tenure was from 1996 to 2004).
Earlier a special court extended the judicial custody of former Karnataka minister Gali Janardhana Reddy and his brother-in-law B.V. Srinivasa Reddy till Nov 14 in an illegal mining case. The federal agency had arrested the duo from Bellary in Karnataka Sep 5 in connection with the illegal mining in Anantapur district. The arrests were made in connection with the illegal mining case booked in 2009 against OMC owned by Janardhana Reddy.