In response to the notice issued by the CBI in connection with the illegal mining case registered against former Karnataka Minister Mr Gali Janardhan reddy and his brother-in-law Mr Srinivasa reddy, YSR Congress president Mr YS Jaganmohan reddy appeared before the CBI this morning to answer the agency’s questions.
Jagan came to the CBI office at Koti in Hyderabad around 10.30 am amid heavy police security. The CBI decided to question him under section 161 of Cr PC as part of the probe being carried out in the illegal mining case.
CBI officials are trying to extract information from Jagan over his alleged nexus with Gali Janardhan reddy who had allegedly resorted to illegal mining on behalf of his Obulapuram Mining Company (OMC) by violating mining lease rules and regulations.
Media reports said that Jagan owned shares in the Red Gold company founded by Gali Janardhan reddy and that funds were transferred to the Red Gold from the Gali-owned Obulapuram Mining Company (OMC) through hawala routes in Mauritius and some other countries.
CBI officials are probing this angle too and trying to cross check the available information with them with Jagan.