Even as the Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram clarified today the Centre has not taken any decision on Telangana issue till date, the state government led by the chief minister Kirankumar reddy seemed to be facing a crisis after 36 congress MLAs and 33 TDP MLAs of the Telangana region had quit their posts seeking formation of the Telangana state.
Among the congress legislators who had quit, 11 are ministers and from the TDP group, four rebel MLAs had put in their papers on Sunday from the fasting camp of the suspended MLA Mr Nagam Janardhan Reddy.
The total number of MLAs who resigned has now reached 73 in the 294-member assembly which is represented by 119 members of the Telangana region. The congress has a total strength of 174 members including the 18 members from PRP which is now part of the congress.
TRS has 11 members, TDP has 37 including the 4 rebels.
With the exception of Deputy Chief Minister Damodar Raja Narasimha, ministers D. Nagender, Mukesh Goud and Shankar Rao, all others have resigned. 12 T congress members of the legislative council have also submitted their resignations to council chairperson K. Chakrapani.
Political pundits are of the view that the government will plunge into a serious crisis if the resignations of 36 legislators are accepted by the speaker.
“The USA celebrates its Independence Day today and we hope this day will also become Telangana’s Independence Day,” said Jana Reddy after submitting the resignations.