TRS complains to Speaker against LR

June 29, 2011 16:05
 TRS complains to Speaker against LR

 TRS complains to Speaker against LRTRS MLAs Mr Harish Rao and Hariswara Reddy today complained to the Speaker of the assembly Mr Nadendla Manohar against Vijayawada congress MP Mr. Lagadapati Rajagopal for his remarks on 14 F clause.
It may be mentioned that Lagadapati had said that the resolution passed by the Assembly in the past asking the Centre to remove the 14 F clause from the Presidential Order on the zonal system in AP was not valid and the clause can’t be removed at all.
Harish and Hariswara reddy said in their complaints that the remarks violated the privileges of the assembly and requested the Speaker to issue a privilege notice to him for his comments.
Meanwhile, Lagadapati Rajagopal expressed the hope that 14 F clause would not be removed. Speaking to media persons in Delhi today, he said that police department was exempted from the 14 F clause in Hyderabad keeping in view the delicate law and order problem there. He further said that it was up to the Centre to accept or reject the resolution passed by the state assembly on 14 F.

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