The chief security officer of the Prashanthy Nilayam at Puttaparthy Mr Pradhan claimed today that the vehicle from which the Rs.35 lakh was seized by police at Kodikonda check-post under Chilamanthur Police station limits bordering Karnataka on June 18 belonged to the Satya Sai Central Trust member Mr. V. Srinivasan.
Speaking to media persons at Puttaparthy, Mr Pradhan said that the police had questioned him about the vehicles that passed through the Kodikonda check-post and asked about the vehicle from which the cash was seized.
“I told police that the vehicle belonged to Mr Srinivasan,” he said emphatically when asked by the reporters.
The police picked up Mr Pradhan for questioning and later released him with the instructions that he should appear before police whenever required.
Police have arrested three persons in connection with the seizure of the cash and produced them before court which sent them to judicial remand. Later, police served notices to trust members Ratnakar and Srinivasan.