Yoga teacher Baba Ramdev said today that separate state of Telangana could come in a minute if the Chief Minister Kirankumar reddy and the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh wanted it.
Addressing a huge Yoga camp at Ranga Reddy as part of his Swabhiman Yatra, the Yoga Guru said that creation of Telangana is an unfulfilled dream of Telangana people. “The dream will become true if the chief minister and the Prime Minister act upon the issue,” he said addressing the participants.
Saying that demanding Telangana state is the democratic right of the Telangana people, Baba Ram Dev asked the Centre to take an immediate decision in favour of Telangana and pave the way for the creation of the Telangana state.
Explaining about the aims of his Swabhiman Yatra, the spiritual leader said that the entire country has been suffering from the disease of corruption and his sole aim is eradication of this corruption from this country.
“My aim is corruption-free country and we will support the candidates who are uncorrupt in the coming elections,” he said.