YSR Congress President YS Jagan and Telugu Desam Party President Chandra Babu have been touring to get political support from the leaders of the other states. They have been telling that it is to stop the unjust bifurcation of the state of Andhra Pradesh.But the efforts seem to be more than a temporary gathering of the strength.
The visits and meetings are also might have been aimed at a bigger objective like getting in to the national political arena joining with NDA or a possible third front speculated to emerge after 2014 general elections.
As the image of Narendra Modi is growing day by day with the apparent results in the recent four assembly polls, it is natural for the leaders to rethink about Modi and try to join his band.
Chandrababu shared dais with Modi once at Delhi and talked to him which gave rise to speculations that TDP is going to have alliance with BJP. In fact TDP withdrew its support to NDA because of the tainted Narendra Modi’s presence. But the scene is changed after Modi was declared as BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate, after his successful rallies, election campaigns and recent BJP’s win in the elections held in the four State Assemblies.
Now Jagan is also showing interest in Narendra Modi. He said in an interview with the media that he is not averse to an alliance BJP led by Modi. "Why not? No one is untouchable. We are willing to do business with Modi. Anybody who accepts our demands is acceptable to us," said Jagan.
Jagan mustering support for samaikyandhra said, "What the Congress is doing is unprecedented. When NDA decided to bifurcate three states, the state Assemblies first passed a unanimous resolution backing the division. But in Andhra Pradesh, the Congress is forcing this decision on people without waiting for the state Assembly to pass a resolution backing the bifurcation. This can become a template for splitting other states in future. All chief ministers need to be very careful.”
The problem with BJP now is in taking the decision whom should they allow to join them to beef up NDA?
The BJP leaders of the state of Andhra Pradesh are cautious about the commitment with any of them as BJP promised Telangana Statehood to the people of Telangana region and both Jagan and Chandrababu are going against it.
Both have plus points and minus. Chandrababu is not totally against bifurcation but only with the way it is done by the Congress party. But Jagan is against bifurcation of the State. As far as their local political strength is concerned, Jagan is more powerful than Chandra Babu as the State leaders assess.
The question of selecting a bridegroom out of these two Andhra leaders for Modi is still unanswered.