To all those who question why raise voice against punishment at schools, we have the death tale of a nine-year-old girl to zip the mouths. Despite so many appeals and protests against corporal punishments, they are time and again hitting the headlines making everyone wear a puzzle sign on the face with a silent obvious question-are we living in an advanced age or an iron age?
The girl we talk about hailed from Jaipur. She was bright enough with a solid vision in life until her teacher took away her visions-both eye and life-which eventually made her succumb to the dreadful injury. The little Piya Chowdhary did no felonious crime or even a misdeamenour for that matter. All the major thing-which appeared as a crime to her teacher was-in completion of home work.
Down with the ridiculous attitude of those teachers, who in the pretext of in completion of home works and impositions, play with their lives. Some teachers make such students stand in hot sun while a few make them kneel down the entire day; In Piya's case the teacher adopted another third method-hit the child to the core. And the result? Who cares? That seems to be the attitude of the ruthless teachers who indulge in punishments.
Little Piya developed severe eye injury due to her teacher's caning. The injury eventually developed in to a cancerous wound and she finally close her eyes forever on Friday probably with a message 'God save children from the clutches of dangerous teachers.'
The school-after it came to know about the episode-might have suspended the teacher and given an ex gratia of Rs. 15 lakh to the family of the girl. But will that bring back the lost child? You never know, she might have become a prime minister and changed the fate of life, or a top scientist to make India's name shine to the core.
Schools should now at least make a strict order asking teachers not to indulge in any punishments-right from making them stand in hot sun to canning them mercilessly-failing which entire education system might come under criticism.
(video source: CNN IBN)
(AW Phani)