S S Rajamouli the director to give wings to dreams is all set to test waters with his latest science fiction cinema, Naan Ee in Tamil and Eega in Telugu. In fact Bengaluru will be the only place with equal number of screens having the the same film in both the languages and with sub titles in Kannada. The director is acclaimed for his natural pangs in narrating imaginations like real life incidents. A classic example for the Director's prowess is Magadheera. However this would be the first time that Rajamouli is embarking on a Science fiction.
Expectations and hypes have escalated peaks by the very good response given by the inner circles of the South Film Industry. Naan Ee (Eega) got very good positive talk from the Censor board Officials too, say sources. The mega budget Naan Ee (Eega) boasts of Hollywood technical excellence for which the crew spent a whopping Rs 7 Cr, say sources. And the whole budget for the film started with a shoestring forecast of Rs 2 Cr, but has escalated, after the narration began, to nearly Rs 26 Cr. Today being the D Day, Naan Ee (Eega) is releasing across the globe on 1200 screens. Critics say Naan Ee (Eega) will be trend setter when talked about technical brilliance.
The expectations are pitching high because of various reasons, one is that Naan Ee (Eega) star cast include Samantha and Naani in the lead and the third prominent is Kannada star Sudeep in the antagonist role. But the twist is that the hero shares the screen space only for a brief time and returns after his death as a house fly or as Naan Ee (Eega). The torture that the animated creature does to take revenge on the villain is the rest of the story. Rajamouli genearlly plans of a long flash back and the narration would surely be above par, say sources.
'Yep! Done! Finished! Now the most irritating part is the waiting period till 6th..:)' tweeted Rajamouli. Probably undergoing the pre-delivery blues. Awaiting to showcase his creation to win rich accolades from one and all.
A versatile actor in Kannada Sudeep makes his Kollywood and Tollywood entry with this film and is so confident of its success. "There's no denying that the film has created a lot of buzz across India, irrespective of the language the people speak. The fact that Bollywood makers are talking about this film is proof that the team has achieved its first step. I'm privileged to be part of such a film," remarks Sudeep.
Samantha who is on cloud nine with her back to back super hits in South is sure to be on a block buster hunt say sources. And about her role in the Naan Ee (Eega), Samantha hoping that this film would give her career in Kollywood a grand boost. As it may be noted that the star was launched in Telugu by a Tamil Director and now in Tamil by a Telugu one. Naan Ee (Eega) is sure to give her a winning edge.
How would the Tollywood star Naani think of being directed by the mega director Rajamouli. In Naan Ee (Eega). No words can express his feelings. When questioned about his brief role, the actor was quite brilliant. He remarked that doing nothing and staying for two and half hours and doing something extrordinary for ten minutes in a film does make a lot of difference to the career of an aspiring star. True the character that stays within one's heart for sometime does bring success to a versatile artiste and Naan belongs to that genre.
On the whole it is an entertainment packed in the life of an house fly. And Naan Ee (Eega) is ready to take its maiden flight, probably completed too as the morning show is getting over. Watch out Wishesh Movie reviews for indepth analysis of the film. (With inputs from internet- AW AarKay)