Termed by a physician Stephen Horsley (in his book Narco Analysis: A New Technique in Shortcut Psychotherapy), Narco Analysis first came into picture in 1943 although the same procedure had been used more than twenty years ago in Texas. Time and again, using the narco analysis on the accused in several countries, has caught the attention of human activists and even the United Nations, which term narco analysis as torture.
What will happen in narco analysis test?
Narco analysis test is completely a medical test wherein a person is taken into semi conscious state in order to make him spell out facts. It is a psychotherapeutic technique, which is strictly administered under the supervision of expert medical doctors or psycho analysts. Narco analysis test would be conducted by mixing 3 grams of Sodium Penthothal or Sodium Amytal in 3000 ml of distilled water. When this chemical is injected into a person, it would be difficult for him to lie as the chemical used in this test will lower the inhibitions of the subject.
The person who is given this injection will not be able to speak up on his own. However, he/she will give answers to certain questions and clues. The answers given by the subject would be spontaneous and coult not be manipulated. The subject will go into semi hypnotic state, his/her blood pressure and heart rate would come down in narco analysis test.
When was narco analysis test used?
Narco analysis test was first used in 1922 by an obstetrecian, Robert, in Texas of America. He has used the drug Scopomiline on two prisoners to find out the truth. Prior to that several psychotherapists apparently used this procedure, but only as a treatment to psychologically the disturbed patients. The drugs used for narco analysis are used as pain killers too but in small amounts.
What UN says on narco analysis tests?
The United Nations hasn't approved narco analysis test. Experts said that narco analysis test come under Article 1(1) of United Nations Convention against Torture (CAT). In fact, the United Nations Committee Againt Torture earlier condemned the use of drugs to extract information.
Narco analysis test in India:
In India, this test was conducted on Abdul Karim Telgi in December 2003 in connection with fake stamp case. In Rojo George Case, Kerala High Court in 2006 held that narco analysis test doesn't require judicial sanction as it can be treated as recognized test for an effective investigation. The case, is however, pending till date.
Supreme Court of India on narco analysis:
The Supreme Court on May 5, 2010 has held that narco analysis tests were 'illegal.' The apex court said without the consent of the accused or an individual, narco analysis or polygraph or brain mapping test should not be conducted. A bench headed by the then Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan gave this hearing. The court held that narco analysis would violate Article 20 (3) of the Constitution of India, which prohibits self-incrimination. The court even added that forcing a person for undergoing such methods of investigation violates the legal process. Further, the court said even if an accused voluntarily undergoes narco analysis test, such results cannot be used as evidences.
(AW Phani)