No internet across the globe on July 9?

May 29, 2012 18:16
No internet across the globe on July 9?

Search engine giant Google has said that Internet would be down across the globe on July 9. Google has said that international hackers are trying to take computers across the globe into their control with online ads’ scam. Due to this virus, internet may not be accessible on July 9. The sources said that FBI had set up a safetynet to ensure that internet connectivity will not get affected a few months ago. But Google sources are now saying that the current virus is likely to effect safetynet system too.

Google security engineer has mentioned on his blog that the computers effected by this virus will display a special message the moment user enters The computer experts are stating that the systems that are affected by this virus will work real slow and the chances are very grim to identify that that system got affected by the virus.

If internet goes down for an entire day, one cannot even imagine what would be the result.


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