Bosnia and Herzegovina, as melodious as Narnia, Utopia or Shangri-La are beyond imaginations. From Sarajevo’s airport, the journey to Bosnia is remarkable. Bosnia and Herzegovina are left with stone villages, and canyons along with lofty bridges and crystalline rivers. The scenaries in Bosnia are like a fairy tale. Everyone relates to the locales which look like made in heaven. Bosni is a homegrown Muslim community, with 500 years of history rooted in the heart of Europe.
Bosnia has lakhs of visitors coming from all the corners of the globe. After World War II, Bosnia was fused with Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Slovenia into Communist Yugoslavia. The historical layering of religions has earned Sarajevo the designation Jerusalem of Europe. Along with a bunch of historic buildings, there are several sculptures that are world famous and attracted the tourists big time.
All those who visited Bosnia and Herzegovina, promoted their culture and nativity. The fiercy mountains and the lavish roads along with the buildings will haunt everyone.