We wait for the weekend from the start of the week itself, but after its arrival, what all we most of us do is, wasting it.
We may plan to go to some place or finish off an important work staying at home. But, when the day actually arrives, we waste it by just taking a rest or sitting idle. This might be because of the pressure we had throughout the weekend at our offices, schools or colleges.
After wasting the whole day, we start regretting for it, at the end of the day and postpone the plans for next week. The thing is, the plans would automatically get postponed every week, if this procedure is followed.
To have a change in your weekend, be strict with yourself and decide what all you are planning to do. Is it going out?, then make up your mind for that program, recollect the previous weekend's feeling of yours, where you felt bad for wasting the day, that recollecting may alert you to move forcefully.
It might be difficult in the beginning to forcefully move out, as we generally did not do it till date, but if once you are accustomed to it and experience the taste of happiness on the weekend, from next one or two weekends, you yourself feel interested to do it and enjoy all the weekends from then.
By Phani