If you cannot produce enough breast milk while breastfeeding your baby then that can really be a matter of concern. Causes of inadequate supply of breast milk can be many. It may be stress, dehydration, lack of sleep etc. There are many ways to increase your breast milk supply. You may simply have some foods that help produce breast milk instead of going for medications. They are completely safe to have and does not have any side effects on the baby. Add them to your regular meals and increase your breast milk supply.
Fenugreek Seeds- Fenugreek seeds are a rich source of iron, vitamin, calcium and minerals. They have been used since ages to increase breast milk supply and even modern research backs the same. But do not consume much of it as it may lead to dehydration. You may easily add it to the preparation of vegetables rather than consuming it in the raw form
Basil- Basil is not only used to treat many ailments but also helpful if you want to have more breast milk for the baby. Being rich in vitamin K, it has a calming effect. It is thus one of the best foods to improve breast milk supply. You may add this to soups and then have it. Or else you might also opt to have it in the raw form everyday with a bit of honey to combat its bitter taste.
Gourd Family Vegetables- Vegetables like bitter gourd or bottle gourd are some of the most popular foods to improve breast milk. They are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. It improves lactation in women. Cook them with relatively less amount of spices so that it becomes easy to digest.
Fatty Products- Fats derived from ghee, butter and oil are very good to increase breast milk. They provide us with a lot of energy upon consumption. You may have it with rice, rotis or may just add a few spoons of it while preparing vegetables and curries.
Garlic- Having garlic is one of the oldest and the best ways to increase breast milk. Instead of having it raw you may use it as a condiment in your curries, meat, vegetables, pickles etc. You will surely start having more breast milk if you have garlic on a regular basis.
Nuts- Nuts like almond and cashews are ideal foods to improve breast milk. Rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals they are also a very good snack and are best eaten raw. They have a reputation since ancient times for improving lactation.
Fibrous Foods- Green vegetables and even some red vegetables are rich in fibres. So have some spinach, beans, sweet potato and beets for more breast milk production. It is always advisable to have at least one such vegetable everyday.
Increase your breast milk production with all these foods and take care that your baby's appetite is satisfied every time your breastfeed.