A couple in Norway who hailed from Andhra Pradesh were arrested by the police there for allegedly scolding their son, who was seven years old. It has to be mentioned that the couple Chandrashekar and Anupana Vallabhaneni went to Norway eighteen months ago to Oslo in Norway as the company they worked for assigned them a project in Norway. Recently, when their seven-year-old son showed reluctance to go to home after he wet his pants, the school authorities enquired as to what was the reason behind the same. It was then this boy told his teachers that his parents threatened him that he be sent back to India in case he wets his pants.
The school authorities then presumably complained to the police authorities who registered a case against the parents and took the boy into their custody. However, after a month the boy was released after authorities ascertained that parents were not at fault and boy was not just hyper-activebut also had attention deficiency problems.
Therefore, the authorities handed over the boy to his parents and they came back to India. When Chandrashekar once again went to Norway on another project, he was summoned by the local court to appear in person on November 26 and subsequently he was arrested. Even Anupama, who later went to Norway to attend the proceedings, was taken into the custody.
Chandrashekar's family, on the other hand, said they had no clue about the arrest as Norwegian authorities didn't attempt to even contact them. They, however, got to know about the detention after a colleague informed Chandrashekar's mother about the same.
(AW Phani)