In a shocking incident, a 37-year-old man allegedly murdered his wife (who is a pregnant) only because she loved western clothing. How big or small may be the reason, why murders? Is the question that’s being discussed among the public each time such incidents come to light.
If we look into incident, Indian migrant in Italy killed his 27-year-old wife Kaur Balwinde for going against the so-called traditions! So, it seemed like it would have been okay had his wife wore traditional clothes and resorted to illegal activities. Tradition is actually the way a person behaves and not what she wears, opine public in Hyderabad when we asked a large number of people in the city when this incident sent shockwaves among the public.
The victim was a mother of five-year-old boy and a three-month-old pregnant. And how could he ever kill his wife that too when she’s pregnant is what irking others. The victim’s family had been living in Tuscany for over two decades and the couple reportedly led a simple life.
Understanding each other’s feelings and respecting their likes besides accepting the partner is essential in wedding, stressed a few marriage counselors.