After more than yearlong speculations of Emraan joining Yash Raj Films, the Actor is finally a part of this prestigious production house. YRF has a credit of introducing new faces like Ranvir Singh, Arjun Kapoor and tele star Sushant Singh Rajput, off late or making films with their favorite King Khan. But, Emraan joining the production house is a new update to know.
The actor is looking forward to work with Aditya Chopra as Emraan always likes the vision of Adi towards cinema and taking.
Emraan has been busy completing his films titled, 'Ek THi Daayan', 'Ghanchakkar' and 'Ungli'... now the actor has all the time to devote for his next project with YRF, the details of the same to be announced soon.