Choreographer turned director Farah Khan who is at present making a film with Shah Rukh Khan, titled 'Happy New Year' was very upset with a update that was published in the news recently. The update states, Farah approaching 'Vicky Donor' star Ayushman for a role in this film and the actor refusing to do the role. Reacting on the same, Farah made it a point to speak about the issue. The lady says, 'Absolutely baseless. Had it been 0.01 percent truth in the update, I would have chose over hear the same. But, this rumor is a complete cooked up story. I need an 18 year old guy for the role I was searching for and tell me how will Ayushman suit the role? Media should stop publishing such stories. How much time will I have to react to these rumors and respond to them every time I come across such false news?' questioned the director.
Now, hope the so called Medium who have published this update are quite aware of the lady's anger.