He is the dude of B – Town. He is known for his looks, amazing body and girls go gaga over him. It has been close to a decade he has made his debut as a hero in the industry and it did not take much of a time for this Hunk to establish his career in B – Town. Apart from his career, this hero is also known for his longtime relationship with a Hot Heroine of B – Town BipashaBasu. After 9 long years of their committed relationship, this couple has decided to break up and it has been close to a year, they are no more together again.
As per the news, Bipasha has moved on with another Happening Hero who is couple of years younger to her. But no official confirmation on this. And John Abraham has been linked up with Gene ilia D ‘ Souza, DeepikaPadukone and many other Models ka names have come in the lime light. In a recent Public conference, organized to promote his forth coming film, ‘Force’, releasing on 30th September, that is a remake of South Indian Super hit flick ‘KaakkaKaakka’, John talked much about the film and thoda about his personal life. ab Movie toh we know what is the story and even the tune of every song was copied from the original version. But, what was an interesting fact that, with whom is John going around now? John talks, ‘I am single as of now. I have been in a very long committed relationship and to get completely out of it was a bit difficult. I and Bipasha have our own reasons to break up and we are still in talking terms. Now, I feel I should get married or atleast find a special person in my life’.
So, all those eligible spinsters out there try your luck!