Yash Raj Films, Block Buster Successful film, ‘Band Baja Baraat’, had made love blossom between the lead pair, in the film, Anushka Sharma and Ranveer Singh. The film became success, so as their affair. But, as any other couple, the duo has been denying their relationship from a long time now. But finally, the duo has opened up to talk about their affair. In a recent talk show ‘Simi Selects India’s most desirable’, hosted by a celeb Simi Garewal, Ranvir and Anushka, both have let out their heart, of course in two separate episodes, featuring Anushka Sharma and Ranveer Singh, in each episode.
Both have said similar lines about their relation, ‘No Doubt I and Anushka Share a special bonding. We fight a lot, and hate each other, but, on the same hand, love each other’s company too. But, as of now, there is nothing such as an affair going on between us. In order to get into the committed relationship, you need to have time. As of now, neither I nor Anushka have time. Let’s see, what happens in future’, says Ranveer.
It seems, even Anushka has spoke similar on the show. Both of these episodes are to be aired within couple of weeks. From a Professional relationship, Anushka and Ranveer have built a special bonding, no doubt; soon their relation will blossom into Love. All the best to the duo!