Not only those audience for whom cinema is just a time pass, but also for film lovers, Mani Ratnam and A.R. Rahman fans, the recent release kadali stood out to be a big time disappointment. Introducing Star kids, Gautam and Tulasi as hero and heroines, after giving a flop like villain one and all expected Mani Ratnam to bounce back with kadali. Being promoted as a love story, everyone expected this film to be not less than the director’s earlier love entertainers like geetanjali and sakhi... but, Mani Ratnam’s decision to highlight the roles of Arjun and Arvind Swami in the film and the story being mere dragging, A.R. Rahman's music not being up to the mark, every element has scored for the failure of the film.
Of course, cinematographer, Rajiv Menon’s work and his ability to showcase sea as never before seen experience is worth to be applauded.
Finally, kadali turns out to be another disappointment to Mani's fans as well.