Glamorous Priyamani has turned down a suggestion to act in a Bollywood film. The actress was approached by controversial actor-director Kamaal R Khan on Twitter. however the Paruthiveeran girl neither respond nor showed any interest at the forthcoming Hindi film.
On Twitter, Kamaal R Khan offered Priyamani to play the feminine lead role in 'Deshdrohi 2' and conveyed her to do the role of underworld don Abu Salem’s girfriend Monica Bedi. He wrote, “Can you send me collection of your manager. I Need you to do my film #Deshdrohi2 Abu Salim. You are going to play role of Monica Bedi.”
Priyamani has claimed that she isn't acutely aware of the offer and didn't see his message, however the actress assured that she isn't interested to join the project. She had acted before in two Bollywood films - Raavan and Rakta Charitra.